Pet owners are naturally worried about how to care for their pets while staying healthy and safe themselves amidst the COVID-19 crisis. Here are three things we want you to know.
#1: Rely on reputable sources for current COVID-19 information
While you can turn to Facebook for insider information on where to find toilet paper, avoid using social media as your main source about COVID-19. Instead, rely on major animal and human health organizations for the most current, accurate research about this evolving situation. A few reputable sources include:
- World Health Organization (WHO)
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA)
- World Organization for Animal Health (OIE)
#2: There is no evidence to indicate pets can become ill with COVID-19
A major veterinary diagnostic laboratory tested thousands of canine and feline samples for COVID-19 when validating a veterinary test, but found no positive results. Additionally, the CDC and WHO have received zero reports of a pet who was ill from COVID-19. Based on the current evidence, health officials have declared there is no indication that pets can become sick from COVID-19. So, your coughing dog is likely not sick with COVID-19, but another disease, such as kennel cough, congestive heart failure, or a collapsing trachea.
#3: We’re taking every precaution to protect you and our team while still keeping your pet healthy
As a vital part of the health care community, we will remain open and continue to provide important medical care for your pet. As this situation continues to unfold, we may make protocol changes to protect everyone involved. We have already put the following in place:
- Curbside check-in — When you arrive, please park and call our main line number at 219-762-7267. We will get your information, and an assistant will call you back to get your pet’s history. They will come out to the car and bring your pet inside. Please have your pet secured with a leash and collar, in a carrier, or in a cage. We will have you get your pet out when the assistant gets to your vehicle. If your pet is here for an appointment, the doctor will call you after performing an examination and go over findings and recommendations. The only exceptions are for euthanasia appointments. Please call us, and we will get you in the building as quickly as possible. If you need medications or food, please call ahead and pick them up through the drive-through.
- Telemedicine — Download the TeleTails app today to schedule a virtual visit! Through the app, you can request a consultation (video or text) with our vets. A video consultation is just that: a live video chat with our veterinarians! If you choose a text message consultation, you can upload pictures or videos if needed and text with our veterinarians as you’re available.
- Increased sanitation — We have increased our already rigorous sanitation routines and are more frequently wiping down doorknobs, counters, and commonly used items.
Thank you for having patience and understanding during this time. We want the best for your pet and also safety for you and our staff. Please follow us on Facebook for any changes to these policies as time goes on. Contact us with any questions or concerns!